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  • Writer's pictureRoee Lapushin

Weeks 8 + 9 - Speed Mentoring Event!

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

In week 8, we met four mentors from the industry. In a speed dating fashion, we presented our project to each one of them in separate, and discussed with them about the need and our initial idea of how to solve it. We got quite a lot of feedback from them, as each one of them shared his opinion and unique point of view about our work.

One major input that came up from the mentors was the need to deepen our research about our users and the technological solutions that currently exist.

For that purpose, we looked out for existing apps from the world of diabetes and tried to draw inspiration from. In addition, we conducted a survey for diabetics to understand in a better and a deeper way the problem they face, which we want to solve.

In week 9, we met up with our guides to help us digest the feedback from the previous week. After consulting with them, we wrote a new pitch presenting the main solution to our problem, and thought of a metaphor from the analog world that simulates the application we want to create.

Next week, we'll start working on the screens of our application. We are thrilled to work on the very first stages of our app!

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