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  • Writer's pictureRoee Lapushin

Week 7 - Preparing For The Speed Mentoring Session!

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

After narrowing down our ideas, we had a major breakthrough about the features in our app and its main purpose. In class, we created a 4-step flow of our app, in which we described how a user will interact with the app at different parts of the day, and how the app will help him feel empowered while searching for restaurants.

Additionally, we worked on a short 5 minute pitch about our progress so far, and about our idea for the app. Next week we will present it at a speed mentoring event that the instructors have set up for us. We are really excited to hear feedback from people we have never met before about our idea. Wish us luck!

Oh, and we finally decided on a first name for our app! Say hello to...


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