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  • Writer's pictureRoee Lapushin

Week 5 - Ideas, Ideas, And Even More Ideas

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

This week, the ideation process has begun. But before we could start thinking about ideas for solutions, we thought we needed to fine-tune our "How might we..." question.

After a little bit of thinking, we decided on the following question:

"How might we help our persona feel empowered when picking a restaurant to go to with other people?"

Now, we could start thinking about solutions for our problem.

In class, we played a little brain-storming game, in which we tried to come up with as much solutions as possible for our problem - as crazy and unrealistic they might me. After that, we sorted them into three different categories - practical, unpractical, and surprising.

Another fun thing we did, was writing a timeline of our persona's day. We tried to imagine what he does and thinks throughout a day in which he is supposed to go to a restaurant with his friends, and how might a solution by us will help him during that day.

Finally, we presented our insights to the rest of our classmates, and got feedback from our instructors.

This process was very enjoyable and instructing, and it helped us connect as a group. We are looking forward on what our minds will come up with.

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