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  • Writer's pictureRoee Lapushin

Week 2: Digging Deeper!

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

This week, we chose to focus our efforts on exploring the domain of diabetes management.

We interviewed a few potential end-users and looked forward to having new and more accurate measurements of the needs that the end users are facing. From the interviews we held, we found out that most of the difficulties that the end-users are facing are related to managing their day-to-day nutrition, and having the information regarding the dietary values of the food they’re eating organized.

"When I wake up in the morning and my sugar level is balanced, and when I'm able to keep my sugar level balanced throughout the whole day..."

An answer by one of our interviewees when asked what does a successful day look like for her in terms of dealing with her illness.

By that, we started to validate the needs we initially believed exists. This week helped us with fine tuning our interests and domain, while also bringing us closer together as a group and getting closer on a more personal level.

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