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  • Writer's pictureRoee Lapushin

Week 13 - Welcome Back!

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

The semester break is always a much-needed break for students, but for our team, it was also a time to work on our app. We were excited to get back to work and continue our progress. During the break, we started writing the code for the app, performed various user tests on the design of our home page, and worked on the design of the rest of the app.

The feedback we received from the user tests was invaluable. It helped us identify the pain points in our design and improve the overall user experience. based on the feedback we got, we made changes to the layout and the functionality of the home page. After making the necessary changes, we moved on to the design of the rest of the app. We had already created a rough design of the other pages, but we needed to make them more user-friendly and visually appealing.

Overall, our experience of working on the app during the semester break was productive and rewarding. We were able to make significant progress on the development of the app and also improve the user experience based on user feedback. We look forward to the rest of the coming semester, to continue our work and create an app that is both functional and user-friendly.

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